A rubber latex thing you wear during sex so you don't get pregnant.
Son: Dad, I got my gf pregnant, what do I do, she wants to keep it.
Dad: SOn, it's time I had a talk about the value of condoms, though your face should have been one to begin with.
Son: Uh, nevermind.

Condoms are the best way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are a barrier contraceptive made from latex rubber, a synthetic rubber called polyisoprene, or a very thin plastic called polyurethane.
by Slutty ass condom October 1, 2020
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Something that makes sucking hard.
The thing men use if the woman doesn't want his firehose up her pussy.
The thing men use if the woman doesn't want fussing children.
Woman: Did you bring the condom?
Man: Ohhhh i forgot it....
Woman: Well im not letting your ding dong up my pussy then...
Man: Fine.... I'll go run to the store.
Woman: While you're there, bye 20... Ive already put sex in my calendar for the rest of the month.
Man: got it!
by cowtopus January 9, 2023
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A kidnapping device used on very young children. Can be considered also as murder.

Come in a variety of best suited to the *murderer* sorry, user.

Not very fool-proof and if in the wrong hands can lead to 18 years of regret and money-loss.
"Damn that condom"
by Abi Hall October 21, 2018
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Something that is latext and gose on the penise before having sex so it can catch the cum so she dont get prego
Im not ready to have a kind lets use a condom
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kid nappers during sex
i was using condoms in my ass
by cocksuckalot February 22, 2022
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sexual intercourse between a heterosexual couple or homosexual relationship to reduce the risk of linking the sperm and the egg and creating a fetus to later be born into a child which will cost an average of 12,000 dollars a year. therefore condoms are good
damn make sure you use a condom when you smash
by oliviao June 28, 2018
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