(One Arm Savage) usually sexy mostly found in the jungles it trafficks drugs, arms, and women They are very vicious and dangerous
(One Arm Savage) A guy tha got hit by a truck
by Maya White March 26, 2019
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A grandma who is bad ass and does not take no shit
by Lor trin September 10, 2016
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Your local redneck with a flow so cold he made the devil put a jacket on
He got them bars like Sammy savage.
by Sammy savage December 20, 2016
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Someone who turns 21 and rawdogs it in the parking lot of a stripclub on the ground, while being buzzed but still conscious enough to know that this is nasty. This act of Savage Rawdogginess leads to the person becoming famous and envied by all those around them. Though it may seem like blue skies and rainbows, the person usually goes home with a present thats never wanted...ew.
Ram: Yo dog i straight up Savage Rawdogged this chick in the parking lot of the Driftwood last night for my birthday!!! That shit was fucking OMEGA TITS baby!!!

Sanchan: Ahhhhhhhh shit ma nigga!!! So you dick burning yet?
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A person that just doesn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything in his way. He will always be right no matter what you say!
Your backup had all the proof that was needed to proceed with the proposal.
Yes, but Savage Jack disproved that theory.
by SCS Austin April 19, 2023
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Red SavageIs a young Trap African artist, real name is Christina Brown
Hey that is a young savege "Savage boy " 🤣 Red Savage
by 36994060 July 22, 2020
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That one substitute teacher that never lets you get away with anything. She has more of an attitude than the rest of the students combined. When your friend asks a question, she ends up giving some smart-ass response back to him. Then she orders you around to like pick up things she dropped or asking you to constantly turn the heat up or down.

Doesn't let you go to the restroom or listen to music. When she reports back to the original teacher, she starts talking in that really innocent voice like she was actually doing her work. In reality she doing her make-up for 30+ minutes.

When she walks out like a stuck-up bitch, she says "bye" in a really sarcastic tone. Then the original teacher begins to yell at all of us for being so disrespectful to her.
Oh great, it's that damned Savage Sub again. Last time she slapped me with a ruler!
by YouKnow,ThatGuy January 17, 2017
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