The level of Dickness that one is achieving by being a Dick to people.
Gary is being such a Dick lately that his Dickness is rating a 9.0 on the Dickter Scale.
by RTD2 September 4, 2013
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Similar to the dog years to human years scale, there is a scale that coverts the time someone has owned a balloon dog to human years.

The scale is add a zero for every month owned, and that's the age of your balloon dog.

Example scale:
1 month = 10 human years
2 months = 20 human years
3 months = 30 human years

There is no difference in the scale between small, medium or large dogs.
Person 1: Aw, your balloon dog is so cute. What's his name and how old is he?

Person 2: Thanks. His name is Mello and he's 1 month old today.

Person 1: Wow. So he would be 10 if we use the balloon dog years scale . Happy birthday mello!
by PointedShrimpp January 29, 2017
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When you attempt to mount and tItty fuck a woman at least a foot taller than you are
Joe: she's a bit tall for my liking

Karl: nothing wrong with scaling the cascades
by supadoop April 17, 2016
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stel· lar scale foam
/ˈstelərˈskeɪlˈfoʊm/ stellar scale Foam is an object formed by trapping pockets of gas called cells in an artificial tessellated structure intended for human occupancy supported by Astroponics in the space environment.
The Stellar Scale Foam colony was constructed surrounding the small asteroid in order to provide living space while they mined the asteroid.
by Stellar Nomad on youtube August 15, 2021
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When the ends of the scale of a thing measures from acceptable to exceptional, because no matter what, you still have the thing.
Damn, my favourite takeaway is taking forever!
It's ok, dude. Pizza scale.
by kittiekommittee July 26, 2023
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A way to define how dark the subject matter someone will joke about/find funny.
A: My humor hovers around 70-80% on the Chocolate scale
B: What?
A: I've made a joke about cancer & helmet hair.
by Lolzeronie September 30, 2023
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Multidimensional consciousness of sapience, sentience, and sophonce.

Capable of experiencing and making conscious instances.
A monad (whole unit) of consciousness.
Also perhaps can be worldly of most kinds of advanced worlds and more.
A high-form high-consciousness.
Has an adequate rating of omniquotience (intelligence, sensory, social, emotional, creative, energy, and more quotients).
A post-exponentia of consciousness kind scale that can also be attributed to clear humans and isn't necessarily restricted to only extradimensionals, however might be expected of them.

A complete (holistically complete*) consciousness of a dimensional level.
A consciousness of a full scale.
Some tried transcending the levels of consciousness to attain full scale consciousness and many were helped by many full scale consciousnesses too, and not only through generative drugs and astral travel and multidimensional downloads of varying moderate andor high success.
by TranslogicMultisonance May 31, 2023
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