A site where people go on to look up definitions of street slangs, labels, stereotypes, etc.

Geeks or losers go on it to get info and bash on people on youtube or other sites otherwise known as a hater.

Posers and fakes go on to look how to be whatever label they're looking for.

People with no life

Someone like me whos wasting my own time writing this definition up.
Guy: Lets go look up stuff on urbandictionary.com

Loser: stupid idiot tried to diss me on youtube, *Goes on urbandictionary.com to look up slangs and gasngster terms*

Posers: Ima go on urbandictionary.com to learn how to be a scene kid and not be known as a poser.
by InfoGuy69 June 19, 2008
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A publically world wide wesbite where anonymous uses can post and read extremely defiling insults regardning Chase Rodrigue
I am going to have fun at UrbanDictionary.com
See 'explosive diarhhea'
by Tyler February 2, 2003
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A place for people to put definitions for new culture and stupid sexual stuff
"Urbandictionary.com is where I get my sources of information!"
by Ninjaguy3576 May 16, 2016
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UrbanDictionary.com is the best thing that has happened to me.
by Me bois March 23, 2021
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A website mangaged by dumbass editors that dont publish anything and make me waste my time and effort. These slow motherfuckers that run this site have no sense of humor and made a website that couldve been fun dull and garbage. I'm never gonna use this piece of junk site again.
Urbandictionary.com is run by 5 year olds
by Tha Truth 58595 February 8, 2010
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A place that everyone I know has found by accident. I'm not lying, seriously.
I looked up ionno on google.com and a website called urbandictionary.com popped up. I've been addicted ever since.

~jb proud UD Author and Subscriber since summer 2010.
by Jay*Bee* August 17, 2010
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It is an English slang dictionary like web site important for the non-native English speaking people to understand what the native English speaking meant when swearing or been mean or naughty.

Also it is important for the native English speaking people do understand what is the hell they are talking about!
I did not understand what she meant when she asked me to fudgepack her till I found UrbanDictionary.com
by Jess December 27, 2003
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