What it's all about. It really is. Seriously. I'm not kidding. Stop laughing!
and you do the hokey pokey and you... aw, screw it. You know how it ends.
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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The art of sneeking off in the middle of the day for a pokey bumy wank. You must do it standing up in a public toilet and get 2 fingers up the hole for it to count as an official lukey pokey... Many people who attempt this don't get the two fingers up.
Guy 1: Did you totally see that guy sneeking off to the bogs.... I bet he was going for a Lukey Pokey

Guy 2: Doubt it.... It's not a Lukey Pokey if you can't get 2 fingers up
by morgjones13 November 3, 2014
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A stick shaped object used for various activities that involve poking. Pokey devices are often used to clear a clogged bowl or clean it of resin. Though not always used specifically in regards to marijuana use, pokey devices are also suitable for stoking a fire or loading a cannon.
"This bowl is clogged! Do you have a pokey device?"
by BurnEdOutOne April 15, 2010
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Like the hokie pokie but involves a lot of weed and dildos.
Guy 1: Dude me and steve got high and did the California pokey.
Guy 2: How was it?
Guy 1: Pretty good but now my ass hurts.
by Jackturtleguy October 3, 2017
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a sexual act in which you perform oral on your partner while moving your legs in a circular motion while writing out "do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around" in your partners vagina, while grabbing her breasts and moving them up and down like cow utters. and (this is optional) your friend is gonna beat the shit out of his meat whilst singing the lyrics to "the hokey pokey"
jake "me and my girlfriend performed the hokey pokey last night"
kyle "thats cool, but did you ever try "the school bus"?
by Mr.DocterAids June 19, 2022
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When you fuck someone in the ass and your dick has residual fecal matter on it.
Dude I totally had a Nutella pokey last night when I fucked Ashley.
by Urmomgay4liyfebruh69 September 6, 2019
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