The act of smoking and peeing simultaneously.

Usually done when one is in desperate need of a smoke but has to hide it.
I was smokeeing in the bathroom yesterday because my parents were home.
by Adelliepenguin July 3, 2014
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smoking is bad for your health but it's an adult decision and with assistance quitable, i'll admit that i'm a semi-smoking fetishist i like seeing a decent to good looking chick puffing away on a butt
me to friend: hey bro see that chick over there on that bench puffin on that cig, she's givin' me a boner
me: cause i like seeing good lookin girls smoking
friend:bro thats kinda twisted
me:dirrent strokes for diffrent folks
friend: whatever
me: in fact im gonna get up the guts to go sit by her
me: m'am is it o.k. if i sit by you
chick: o.k.
by Joe Smith 2 August 10, 2007
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Smoking kills.. but dmn .. it feels good
by Djesse June 18, 2019
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To be in a state of confusion, inebriation, over-joy, exhaustion, misfortune, unattractive physical quality, or dysfunction.
Dude, I can't figure out what to do, I'm smoked.

Man, you smoked all that Kush and now you're smoked.

The girl's got a fine ass, but she's ugly; she's smoked.

My car's transmission died, it's smoked

"You're smoked."
by EvilGoslingTwin December 31, 2011
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Chap 1: Oi, mate! Where ya been?
Chap 2: I was in a fight with some sod down in the Smokes
by Clash City Rocker February 27, 2005
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A really attractive girl is sometimes said to be "smoking" or "smoking hot". It is one of the best compliments you can give a girl, telling her that she is extremely attractive.
I want to introduce you to my sister. Is she hot? Are you kidding? She's smoking!
by Pro-Love Girl March 2, 2011
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