A slab is a carton of beer, this is regional dialect. Australians haven't the time to say carton when there's beer to be drank, so we say slab. 24 cans, stubbies, etc.
1:Hey mate you comin round for a piss-up Satdy night?
2:Fuck yeah
1:Well make sure you bring a slab!
by Jimma June 1, 2004
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Where I am from I-95 is the major highway or "SLAB" that I drive on. This can be a SLAB of concrete, SLAB of tar or if u'za back country boy then ur SLAB is a dirtroad. In down South Florida I-95 is my SLAB.
I was ballin' on my way to Tampa and my Brother EROS called. He asked where I was at and I replied "I'm Northbound on the SLAB, bout to hit the turpike".
by BenZie561 May 3, 2006
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slab city population you. Quit slabbing up the world hoe!~
by fuckingslabtstic April 22, 2011
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Worse than a slut; having no redeeming qualities; of a promisuous and vacant nature; Most likely Canadian
Wendy is a slut, however Jennifer is a slab.
by EmilyJacinda August 2, 2006
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If you appear on the television or newspaper, the first person to show you the clipping/article, then saying the word "slabbed" is then owed a slab of beer.
Found a picture of you in Navy News! SLABBED!
by demcros February 19, 2016
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When one punches his or another persons nut sack, often the person who strikes the victim yells "Slab!"

Synonyms for this can be Salute & Sacked.

Example 2: "Aw man did you see Ron get slabbed?" "Yea bro that must've hurt like a bitch!"

Example 3: "Bro not cool! That hurts." "Didn't you hear Tony? It's Slab Season!"
by GhettoNuisance33 November 12, 2017
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