someone who is awful at any activity or action, that person has rookie eyes.
Katie: oh, shit I just tripped.
Bryan: she got rookie eyes.
by Trevor frederiksen March 4, 2008
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Making an ill-informed decision
Rookie mistake; ordering a feed and leaving, trusting that the boys won't eat it.
by paramountpaddy October 4, 2014
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Another name for the grenade launcher attachment on many first person shooter games, most notably Call of Duty 4. Named so because of its ease of killing an enemy, and the small amount of skill required to use it.
"Dude that guy just killed me with a rookie rocket!"

"What a noob"
by Samrockswin September 26, 2009
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Leaving your facebook account up, allowing any intruder to access your profile. This status usually includes some falsely incriminating statement about the victim.
Why does my status say '@Greg has a small penis?!'"-- "Ooooh.. sorry. Looks like you left your profile up. Rookie mistake.
by cusebofo October 19, 2010
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the new person who fucks something up; the mess left from a rookie; an inexperienced person;
"Someone left their rookie sauce all over the place!"
"Fucking rookie sauce broke the stereo!"
by Probablytone February 17, 2005
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The award that goes to the person that made themselves really look like a rookie. Whether its saying something dumb,doing something stupid, or just making an ass out of themselves all together, they may just be the rookie of the week.
Me and the guys were walking back out to the engine. I had all the groceries in my arms, and a hot girl walked by right as I droped them.

"You must be the rookie" she said, and when we got back to the house, I was given the rookie of the week title.
by savage lil lexa November 21, 2007
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