A young man who grows what resembles pubical hair out of his face and head. Most notably the one who gets pushed in this picture

"Dude look at his beard he looks like Pubes!"

"My mom made me shave, she said I was becoming a Pubes."
by PushGuy805 July 15, 2008
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A public house. Often used to get drunk in.
Kid:'I'm off to the pube.'
Parental Figure: 'With your little brother, of course.'
Kid: 'But he hates playing in the pube garden.'
by Stephen W. Thomas May 12, 2005
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The general pubic area of a male, or female, person. (perhaps leaning more towards the latter)
As she lay next to me, pantie-less, my attention was drawn away from the game, to her pube.
by The Onceler August 12, 2007
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To put one's pube onto someone else.
John: (plucks a pube from boxers and places on Alex)
John: You got pubed!
by anony_mus July 30, 2009
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v. Saying or doing the same thing at the same time.
Shane "jo skin up"
Jo "Shane skin up"
by The Fairy Sesh Mother August 31, 2018
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Pubes that have left over jizz on them from sex the night before.
Joe's jeans were really annoying at his concert because they were stuck to his sticky pubes.
by Stickypubes69 June 20, 2014
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