Pickle (n.)-1. To be bored, 2. To cum or ejaculate
1. Jared was bored one day so he decided to pickle at his house.

2. Robert was listening to Led Zeppelin and started to pickle out of his ear because of an ergasm.
by tibbles906 April 28, 2011
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n. - the horrible mess created when one passes out so drunk that he or she not only pisses him or herself but poops some as well.
Cindy had to buy new sheets because she made pickles in her old ones after a night of depression induced binge drinking.
by Les Miller September 29, 2007
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In baseball, when a baserunner gets caught in between two bases by two or more players from the other team, who then chase him back and forth, tossing the ball to one another in an effort to tag the baserunner out.
Jeff Bagwell was caught in a pickle between third base and home plate.
by Scott B. August 23, 2003
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