1) Girls tell you your a sweet guy (or nice guy) when you've just been rejected.
2) Girls call someone sweet even though to any man of average intelligance the person they r calling sweet is not sweet nor smart and is in fact a total arse.
3) You're gay and have just been called sweet
4) Girls call dim/stupid people sweet for some reason, I only wish I was dense as two short planks.
5) If girls dont say it to the guy but to his mates the they quite obviously fancy him.
6) Only girls eva say this.
"awww he's so sweet" = jerk/dumbass

"awww how sweet"

"awww aint that sweet"
by Pirate August 12, 2004
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Leader of Grove Street Famlies. Argues and insults and is angry alot. And...that's about it. Is the leader no matter how much respect CJ earns.
by Ghiz January 3, 2005
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a slang word for Ecstasy pills. mostly used in the UK.
Got any sweets mate?
by Jabbla December 3, 2004
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A noun a level up from "sweet." Best used in a short sentence or as a sentence by itself.
That new game is all sweetness.
by Vertigo September 3, 2002
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Used to describe something that is extremely positive in nature. Not to be confused with Sweet Ass which refers specifically to an ass that is particularly nice.
Morgamic's new Cadillac is sweet ass sweet.
by Scott Kveton January 9, 2005
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A male that takes r/s seriously , would make the perfect husband but is very annoying.
I would love to marry a Sweeting
by Hood pseudonym June 16, 2019
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Okay good eh... shit

Used to describe a mood or feeling.

Can also be used as a substitute for that's alright or that's fine.
For example:

Jack: how's life?

Megan: sweet. Life's fucking sweet.

Typically used in Irish and British culture.
by L.S.E. October 21, 2018
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