mp3 player made by apple, high priced and not long lasting. endorsed by everyone and owned by everyone, except ppl who are broke,hate apple, or whos parents bought them a even crappier mp3 player. idk about you guys but my battery lasts for atleast 20 hours str8 so idk what u are talking about. bottom line, got the money and like the wheel? buy it. want to upload and unload songs? use a diffrent program then itunes. want free songs? you kno how...... buy the cds! lmao
me: stop bitching and let ppl buy what ever the fuck they want.

you: omg apple sucks price sucks battery sucks listin to me i must control your life and make u get ride of an ipod cuz i hate them.
by Jordan rafiki mon September 11, 2007
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A portable music playing device that is awesome, unfortunately haters feel that they must flame it just because they don't like them.
Ipod owner: Hey I just bought an ipod check it out!

Hater: Noez!!11!! i h8 teh ipodzzz th3y suxorz you fuckin emo fag get a zen or a zune

Ipod owner: Um, Its my money, I can buy what I want fucktard.

Hater: STFU ipodz sux

Ipod owner: Fuck off, stupid mac hating microsoft fanboy
by Ipods rock February 20, 2007
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I really don't know why so many people are hating on the iPod. I, personally, think it's great. While it's more expensive than some MP3 players that do the same thing, it just appeals to me more than other MP3 players. I think it has great battery life, the videos look really good, and I really like the click wheel. Sure, it's a pretty penny, but I think it's very worth it. I didn't buy it because I wanted to look cool, I bought it because I wanted a reliable MP3 player that looked nice, was easy to use, and was sturdy.

However, the headphones they give you are COMPLETE SHIT. Mine broke after a day and I had to buy new ones. LAME.
"Hey guys I got an iPod!"
"You retard, a Creative Zen is like way cheaper and has the same storage."
"Uh..FUCK YOU because iPods are way better.."
by madcow4668 August 20, 2007
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the item that is very commonly baught all because people belive they are the best
when truly, ipods are junk
fucking horrible little shit mongrals
i want to smash your ipod
by frozenbrains October 3, 2006
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Dude? You still have mix CDs? Please. You know everyone has an ipod now.
by DizzyLizzy November 13, 2007
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the sweetest mp3 ( but not limited to mp3 files)player in the world people often say that apple is trying to take over the world...there dumbasses theyre just jealous becuase they dont have one and what about the people that bitch about them breaking yes they can break but ive seen people using their ipods they treat them like shit dropping them shaking them hard drives have moving parts the read and write heads and the like and platters be careful not to drop it especially whilst its reading a song or just running in general you can listen to it spin up and run if you put it up to your ear......yeah so dont be a haterrr yo
ignant hippie: yo mannnnn those people at apple are trying to like take over the world like wal mart and microsoft mann monopolies.. big corporations noot cooool man

douche bag who had an ipod but treated it like shit and it broke and now hes pissed at apple: heyy fuckasss thos ipods suck i had one and it broke what a piece of shit they have poor quality even though they come with a prestine mirror like finish front and back and are sturdy i hate them to try to seem conputer saavy saying the itunes interface and inner workings suck but i havent even tried to write a single program let alone a program as sophisticated as itunes
by ummmm tyler March 18, 2006
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A mp3 player that holds a lot of music. The problem here is that many poeple don't realise the alternative options out there. Many people usually say they feel cheap. OK. Just because it uses SOLID STATE MEMORY WHICH IS LIGHTER THAN ANY HARD DRIVE and uses plastic doesn't make it a piece of shit. Hey did you hear of these new fangled "buttons" that are touch sesitive like the iPod's wheel? Oh Lets not mention the fact that i could get a 2 gig zen or a 1 gig shuffle for the same price and the zen has a speaker!!! One more thing, Creative is THE BIGGEST name in computer sound.
Having to use iTunes is bs. LET ME USE MY FARKING WINAMP!
Heres one, the cord having a "special" end that only a trip to walmart can get me a new one, not one of those cords i have plenty of.
As for the higher up models $2-300, your right. A zen has less storage than the iPod. Yet I can hold more higher quality video because of DIVX and XVID compatability.
Never in my life have i ran into an aac file. Can your ipod play OGG/Vorbis?
If you need a calendar or notes or know the time constantly and can't ask someone "what time is it?", get a palm pilot.
Wow, you can play solitaire on your iPod when i can play the same dam thing on my CELL PHONE.
Battery life? i don't care because i owned and used a laptop with 2.5 hours of battery life. So anything above that is good.
Ease of use? Anyone with a brain can figure out how to use ANY mp3 player.
I like my music free and I watch video on a larger screen than 2.5 inches of uber suckage but for pictures, the screen is fine.
Others say that they need the 5 terabytes of ipod superfluocity for storage. BUY A F***ING EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE DUMB SH*T. Apple your high time was the 80's. Be like commodore and let go already.
p1: I can play solitaire and see the time while holding 500 songs that most of them I don't listen to on my ipod.

p2: You could do the same thing and more with a cell phone.

p1: an Iphone?

p2: More like a RAZR.
by qblasphemy April 2, 2008
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