Law enforcement, otherwise known as honkies, coppers, cops or "police officers"
put that shit away its the honkey patrol!
by insanityredeemer October 17, 2006
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Ima goin need me sum mo honkey sauce fer dis er peircle
by ToFeR October 9, 2006
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The act of a white guy switching from anal sex to going down on a woman in 2 seconds.
Bill - "Jared! Last night i totally nigga flipped this chick!"
Jared - "Wurt? Dude do you mean honkey flipped?"
Bill - "Oh yeah my bad, I forgot I wasn't black"
by J.Merner March 30, 2010
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A white person who abandons their real friends and needs to show their supposedly high position on the social ladder with activities like tennis.
I can't hang out with my old friends anymore. I'm better than they are. Besides, I have to show the partners at the firm how good the backspin on my serve is! I guess I'm just a bourgeois honkey like that.
by Daniel M. October 17, 2005
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He bought those rims with his own money. He's Honkey Rich!
by Tito Sanchez April 3, 2006
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1. Keystone Light
2. Any domestic, cheap, disgusting beer (usually refers to keystone light, but can also be used for Natural Ice Light, Coors Light, Bud Lite, etc...)
3. Beer that usually young naive white people drink at parties to feel cool.
Guy thats always wearing a trucker hat and carrying around a long board: "Hey dude did you get those brewskies for beer pong?"

Guy thats always wearing flip flops, some sort of oakleys rip off sunglasses, and shorts that he made himself: "Yea man i got a 30 pack of Keystone Light for like 16 bucks man."

Me: Dammit not Honkey Light
by Tommy Shue August 28, 2009
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Wasted check hee hawed
rumplemints, check rumplemints
we drank rumplemints last night and got honkey tonked
by CB mccoy June 26, 2008
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