A person who constantly uses others for their goods and/or services and usually takes advantage of them. This person may simply ask others for things or just take them, assuming that it's ok. This person is what people would usually a "mooch" but taken to the extreme.
Juan told brendan to get him mcdonalds. when Brendan returned, the mooch-fo-sho took the food and left without paying, taking advantage of him.
by blazerboy90 May 18, 2011
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when you love when of your friends so much that he will definatly be your brother forever. the fo sho is just something ghetto and ryhmes with bro
dude me and jake just robbed a house and killed a senior citizen. he is my bro fo sho
by xDJ SKiZZx July 29, 2009
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A shorter way of saying "he/she was a mother fucker for sure"
that fool was a mofo fo' sho
by Trojan_Girl April 28, 2009
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Used, often in the Wigga comunity, meaning "for sure my friend" or "my nigga". this can be used as to agree with a comment.
Wigga1: man that bitch is Tight.
Wigga2" Fo Sho Niz
by wigga2 January 11, 2006
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the chillest way to abreviate "definitely for sure" I would recommend using it, especially if you're bro.
Guy 1: I want some nattys.

Guy 2: Defs fo sho, bro.

Broseph: I got some dome from that chick the other night. It was chill.
Broski: Defs fo sho.
by So bro, you can't handle it. February 17, 2011
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Another term for saying "ok" or "yes". Trick Daddy is known for saying it in a hit song called "shutup", and CJ from GTA San Andreas.
"Ay, what's really good son", said Pat. "Not a damn thing", said Joe, "Im bout to get down on this Blunt, you want in". "Fo Sho Dough", said Pat.
by P Diz July 11, 2006
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Absolute, Absolutly, as sure as it would be to pull a hoe
Roomate1: Hey, did you remeber to shut off the coffee maker?

Roommate2: Hoes fo shos.
by SS JF January 22, 2013
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