the act of flirting but not cheating on your spouse by sending naked pics of your self and letting the mistress know that you've got bad intentions tonight via text message.
Marcus, "I just sent that hoe a pic of what she's gonna get later on tonight"

Riley " Bro, why are cheating on ur wife like that?"

Marcus " that aint no cheating,i'm just gettin my brett favre on. i aint sleeping with that dirty ass money grabbing hoe. If i wanted to cheat, i woulda gone Tiger Woods on her."
by bfavre4 January 13, 2011
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/bret farv/ adjective

Something yelled out by a Call Of Duty online multiplayer when he throws a frag or semtex grenade a very long distance (a long bomb) and by pure luck it kills an enemy. It is more appropriate if the grenade falls in an area with two, three, or even four other players in it, even if they are teammates. This is referring to legendary quarterback Brett Favre, who was not shy about throwing the football into double, triple, or even quadruple coverage, and sometimes out of pure luck, the throw would actually work out. It also refers to a comedy skit by Dave Chappelle in which people yell out a sports star’s name prior to duplicating an act they are famous for.
“Brett Favre! I don’t know how but my random frag just killed somebody on the other side of the level. Sweet.”
by PDX Pilot 1 November 3, 2013
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When someone has been doing something for awhile and the retire , quit and they realize they miss it and need to get back and return to whatever they were doing.
Joe: Hey dude!
Evan: Yeah what's up dude?
Joe: I know i just quit playing Baseball But i really miss it
Evan: Dude, your having a "Favre Moment."
by d-robz August 12, 2010
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The insatiable urge to show, think, or mention Brett Farve multiple times in one instance.
Hey Rory what are they talking about on ESPN? Favre.
What about Sports CBS? Favre.
ESPN 2? Favre.
what station isn't having a favre-gasim?

Look!! Mike is having a favre-gasim: blah blah blah Favre.............Favre..........Minnesota Vikings and Favre.
by Malomi February 4, 2010
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A sexual act in which a partner deposits fecal matter on their partners chest, wipes their index finger in it, and proceeds to draw a line under each of their partners eyes similar to professional football players who use black makeup under their eyes. It is named for Green Bay Packer quarterback Brett Favre.
I gave this girl a filthy favre last night and she threw me out of her house.
by Joaquin Sand March 1, 2006
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The idea of getting a blowjob! especially from ESPN every day until number 4 retires and Tim Tebow takes over that role!
I just got the sloppiest Brett Favre from your mama!
by Brett Favre #4 Vikings November 12, 2010
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To Brett Favre it: to be indecisive about something.

Based on Brett Favre's decision to keep quitting and then returning to professional football.
"Yo, you finally stop hitting that?"
"Nah, I think I'm gonna Brett Favre it and go back."

"So are we getting deep dish or thin crust?"
"I don't know, he's still Brett Favreing it."

"Did you chose between Jill or Stacy?"
"Nope. I'm just going to Brett Favre it and go back and forth until one of them gets too pissed."
by notbillclinton August 19, 2009
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