Farty head in french, often used by smart kids to make fun of kids who don't understand a word of french. The leader of all the tete de farts is Big Al AKA Grand Al. He once had so much taco bell his head exploded.
Grand Al est une tete de farty!
by RachaelxcorexawesomexXx October 14, 2007
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A word, often used in conjunction with other negative adjectives, used to describe a person who meets all of the following criteria:

a. The person must be farty, fart often, smell like farts, or be otherwise comparable to a fart.

b. The person must also be dumb. Mute persons as well as untintelligent persons are included in this category.

c. The person must also be a stupidhead.
Lauren, you might as well change your name to Farty McDumb McStupidheaderson.
by Stinky Farty April 21, 2006
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When a very fat person whom eats poorly takes a doodle.
Person 1: That right there is a fatty, farty, poo! (Said in disgust with a British accent)
Person 2: Yeah, it was the burgers i ate last night.
by Mal7843 February 26, 2008
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if you searched this, bravo, youre an idiot. if you found this going down the list on the site, laugh, buy a mug, and be cool at the office.
office guy 1: dude, check this out, i got poo poo farty mcweinertits on a mug.
office guy 2: youre an idiot.
by intergalactic loser champion August 28, 2010
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When you fart so hard you poop in your pants and it spreads all throughout your shit butt. Usually a side effect of the weed being too fire.
Brayden: Holy shit this weed so fye I just farty poopsed on my shit butt
Brayden: I guess it's a severe case of Farty poops on my shit butt
by Sargonasa November 25, 2021
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Tis the name given to an individual who is speaking in a class call, however in the midst of their talking they let out the loudest, most wet sounding fart a person can make while still unmuted.

Any normal individual would leave, travel across the world and change their identity to avoid the shame and humiliation such an act would bring upon them. But, what truly makes one a Marty Farty, is that they do not leave. They instead continue to answer the question and act as if the entire ordeal never occurred.

It is obvious that one who holds the title of Marty Farty has no shame and regrets nothing, even coercing friends into performing sexual acts and believing they have the ability to say racial slurs despite not being part of said race.
Person A: This girl really told me she's going to "contact higher authorities if I don't stop staring at her."

Person B: God she sounds like a real Marty Farty
by someonewhohasnolife456 October 4, 2021
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