A Southern Term For an unshaven Vagina/ Vagine.

A Small Furry Water Based Animal That Builds Dams.
"She Had a Beaver as Big as Kentucky!"

"The Lesser Spotted Beaver is a recluse creature"
by Crack_housE October 27, 2009
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Great creatures of the world with cute teeth and tails.
I think that amazing cute creature sitting next to you might be a beaver.
by AviverTheBeaver April 2, 2019
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Someone with rather large front teeth. They are usually bullied because of it. Eventually they get braces, but they are still bullied for being a beaver with braces.
"Chris is such a beaver, let's beat him up"

"That beaver is a tosspot, let's hunt her for sport!"
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A short girl from Canada who is good at oral sex.
Yo man I hooked up with a total beaver during my trip.
by Luminousguava October 21, 2019
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A name for a person whos teeth protrude out of their face.
Mert you know that bird in business she's a right beaver!!
by Wangerrrr October 19, 2010
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Someone whose teeth resemble those of a beaver.
Was Smokey the Bear your neighbor dude, you needa trim them beaver teeth.
by buckwildnastyteethbag November 3, 2009
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Moist, furry mammal found in damp, dark places; to work very hard with the eintention of gaining access to a moist, furry mammal.
'What a fine beaver'
'Can I stroke your beaver?' - be careful that tit doesn't bite your fingers off.
'Beaver away' - probably downstream somewhere adn working very hard
by Nick Pick May 8, 2005
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