A problem. Used in the same sense as "beef".
"What, man, you got clocks?"
by aMILLERd January 11, 2007
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An object loved not only by Chris Baker and Tom Fall but also just about everyone with a brain.
Used for telling the time of course.
by Guru March 11, 2004
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The past tense of clock. To clock means to punch someone; mostly in the face.
The crazy moms clocked the skaters in the face during a skate park argument.
by Yad ecin a evah July 9, 2015
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A clitoris that's so big it's almost a cock.
I went down on this chick last night and her clock poked me in the eye.
by Jennnerz April 18, 2015
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An very, VERY, hard punch. Usually used by people who can't think of any other word to use. Anyone who uses this word is not to be taken lightly, they will mess you up!
"You had better back off before I clock you!"
by PrettyMuchThat'sHowItIs April 6, 2015
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to be hit over the head by ones clock in a fit of rage. see also clock.
she clocked me good, I ended up in hospital. (true story!)
by craig November 25, 2004
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