First take a dump and freeze it. The next time your having sex with a really drunk girl go get the frozen turd and use that on her
Dude last night i pulled the alaskian iceberg on this drunk girl i brought home.
by Ryan Tharp June 9, 2008
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Generally people all around the world love icecream. its just a plain source for satisfaction so the bigger the better

Therefore like an iceberg means something extraordinarily more satisfying, or just something more extraordinary
can be used both ways
after exams, we will party icebergs!

just for now, lets give a break to everything and study like icebergs

shaking hands with pharrell williams makes me feel like an iceberg

Pakistan's victory in the twenty20 tournament is an iceberg for them
by aimienism June 21, 2009
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when a vodka bottle becomes so cold that a chunk of frozen vodka forms in the center and all the remaining liquid becomes the consistency of syrup
"dude you gotta eat this Russian Iceberg"
"hell yeah bro"
(high five)
by the super ninger November 26, 2010
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When a male is holding himself from peeing.
I had three beers in an hour, and now it's right at the tip of the iceberg.
by C-Dubs October 31, 2007
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Dating profile pics only from the neck up, carefully cropped and angled to hide someone's true size.
"Be careful. Those pics look great, but it could be the iceberg effect"
by Hotbox February 10, 2017
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When a woman takes a selfie from high in the air and all you can see is her face and some hair. While what exists under that head is a MOUND of body that pushes 250lbs plus.

Her head is just the tip of the iceberg.
Rachel sent me an iceberg pic and I suspected she was 300lbs.
by JAY K. May 28, 2018
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a fat person who takes a foto of themselves and he or she looks normal size according to their face picture, but when you meet them in person they are fat and obese.
she was so pretty on tinder, but the iceberg effect was very real, as she was an obese gordita in person.
by addake August 21, 2019
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