Moshing like you are wearing a windbreaker, the God's Hate spinkick tested shorts, and black air force ones all at once. Moving with the reckless abandon that can only come from living in Everett WA
Yo, did you see that dude going Everett style? He just kicked my tooth out.
by September 28, 2023
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The sweetest and cutest pup you'll ever meet he is energetic and awsome.
Dog 1: Who's that hottie over there

Dog 2: Oh it's Everett the dog
by loaf the loafster March 22, 2020
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the sexiest most feminine being on the earth. a scubas if you will.
i love sex with leigh maeson everett quinn.
by imisshersomuchbro12343434 November 1, 2022
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Landon Everette Pillatzki is the most popular guy in school he gets any girl that sees him everyone wants to be like him it's insane I can't even comprehend what it would be like to be like Landon Everette Pillatzki I could only dream and anyone reading this will never be as athletic, good looking, better in bed, better kisser, etc... So don't even dream about it because it'll never happen
Girl 1. Landon Everette Pillatzki is the most perfect person I've ever met

Girl 2. I would leave my boyfriend for him anytime

Girl 1. Same

Million other girls. I want him
by Theman5566777 July 13, 2023
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