He is my Sarcasmate and we are constantly having sarcastic fights. I love him!
by SarcasticSatan February 18, 2016
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A mental disorder caused by excessive use of sarcasm.Person affected will use sarcasm almost uncontrollably,even when it's unnecessary or in an emergency situation
*A Person with sarcasmitis(APWS) got hit by a car*
kontoculai; "hey,are you okay?"
APWS: "Yeah,I'm totally okay.See,I'm lying here because I want to have a great sun tan"
kontoculai: "Oh,Ok,bye then"
APWS: "Wait,help me!I got sarcasmitis.."
by kontoculai July 11, 2019
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the delivery of sarcasm accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction, generally due to the face that the sarcasm was well-deserved.
Joe: No, not seriously. I was being sarcasmic, retard.
by BlackNoise March 29, 2009
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"Oh yeah, *that* feels good".
"No, that was my sarcasm".
by chundered_everywhere April 22, 2010
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A faked orgasm. Used when a woman thinks her lover's style is TOTALLY lame.
Monica: "So you and John fucked? How was it?"
Sue: "I threw a SARCASM at him to get it over with... that dude SUCKS in the sack!"
by Scrappy SamCat January 28, 2009
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A funny way of making people look like idiots. (But isn't that always funny?)
You: (insert phrase with sarcasm here)
Friend: Really?
You: No. (give Friend a cold stare and walk away...)
by libmag July 22, 2010
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The lowest form of wit. Normally the funniest too.
by Anonymous October 1, 2003
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