A group of yokels afraid of homos and rubbers. Attempting to recall the School Board in the liberal Washington, D.C. suburb of Montgomery Couny (MoCo), Maryland.

Scared to death about the thought of their children being taught that gay people exist and being shown a video of how to properly put on a condom, using a cucumber.
Citizens For A Responsible Curriculum are a bunch of scared pussies and cunts who live in the Stone Age.
by Hyacinth Bucket April 24, 2005
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said in comeback of someone using the sarcastic and overused "Cool story Bro"
MR X- i went to the shop and got some coke

mr y- cool story bro

MR X- original response bro! did you come up with that one yourself?
by tokin the day away December 25, 2010
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When one has been so conditioned to associate the laxative effects of coffee with one's morning constitutional, that the mere smell of bean juice abrewin' triggers a need to poo.
James was trying to compose a quick email while his coffee was brewing, but the rich smell of his French roast triggered a Pavlovian poo response, forcing him to run to the bathroom.
by Automated December 14, 2013
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(Noun) An elite group of individuals that perform diagnostic assessment , positive action, repairs and reporting of building issues.
The Incident Response Unit or the IRU at the University is incredible! They fixed my problems and made sure that they never happened again.
by kerb-stirer May 12, 2018
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A professional victim’s organization based in Canada that promotes total civilian disarmament in Canada. The main inspiration for Cowboys for Social Responsibility, the Coalition for Gun Control (CGC) maintains that inanimate objects, mainly firearms, are responsible for homicide, femicide, infanticide, matricide, patricide, suicide, filicide, siblicide and every other known “cide” in the English language.
The Cowboys for Social Responsibility assume that if a person owns a firearm they are dangerous, particuarily men. If a man owns a firearm he will undoubably be more likely to beat his wife or kid.

The Cowboys for Social Responsibility recently defined the good folks at CanadianGunNutz as persons who buy firearms to be used AGAINST their wives, because knives kill more people than guns.
by CanadianGunOwner October 27, 2010
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The conditioning of most retail shoppers to provide preconceived answers to customer service providers.
Here are a few instances using Programmed Retail Response:

(Upon a customer entering)
Associate: "How's the weather today?"
Shopper: "I'm fine. How are you?"

(Upon a customer leaving)
Associate: "Fuel for Satan's fire!"
Shopper: "Thanks. You too!"
by Kristopher Smith May 25, 2007
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Also referred to as CSR, crowd surfing responsibility is the obligation of all concert goers to be aware of and help notify others of incoming crowd surfers. This is crucial to the safety and well being of all present, crowd surfers included.
In a most devastating display, a would be crowd surfer fell into a mosh pit and was trampled. If only those on the edges of the pit would've practiced good crowd surfing responsibility.

A 300 pound man crowd surfed through an area where no one was paying attention. One person was crushed to death because of the failed CSR.
by ke1v3y October 31, 2010
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