When toilet water that somebody else pissed or shit in splashes back onto your asshole after you shit in it.
I thought Poseidon's kiss was bad, but then I experienced the horror of Poseidon's sloppy seconds.
by Fucious March 12, 2015
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(v.) to imbibe a bottle of water very quickly and continuously until the entire beverage has been consumed.
Dude, Matt, did you see Jeff deep throat Poseidon?....yeah niccee!! mattwin
by LuciferSam1967 May 18, 2010
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A variation of the traditional Poseidon's Kiss with the added enhancement of water actually entering the anal cavity.
My barn doors didn't shut fast enough and I got a Poseidon's French Kiss!
by Slimcady August 2, 2022
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Instead of shocking the nation you pull the Poseidon trident which is 1 in the pink 2 in the stink. Sometimes this may cause a girl to get really wet and make an ocean. Mostly used by real men.
Mark: Dude I totally gave my girl friend Poseidon's Trident. She truly made an ocean.
by TheOfficialJasonS January 3, 2015
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A sexual act involving three men. Named so after the three points on Poseidon's trident
The Jonas brothers just finished a three hour Poseidon's Three-Way.
by Feicstur March 23, 2011
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