A short, curly haired, smexy man who will fill you with JOY and love you forever.
by DIEGO RIVERA (PAINTER) November 22, 2019
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Paco is the kind of guy who brings you a good vibe and makes you happy. He always see the good part of situation, if you miss a little bit of sunshine in your life have a Paco.
Someone shy at a party : Paco starting to dance to this person and hype him/her.
by Tifenn2.2 November 22, 2021
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Paco is the kind of guy who brings you a good vibe and makes you happy. He always see the good part of situation, if you miss a little bit of sunshine in your life have a Paco.
Someone shy at a party : Paco starting to dance to this person and hype him/her. This person starting
by Tifenn2.2 November 22, 2021
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Paco is the kind of guy who brings you a good vibe and makes you happy. He always see the good part of situation, if you miss a little bit of sunshine in your life have a Paco.
Someone shy at a party : Paco starting to dance to this person and hype him/her.
by Tifenn2.2 November 22, 2021
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Paco is de hottest guy you will ever know, he is so handsome people fall in love with him with only one picture.

If you know a paco consider you an afortundated person, they are really nice, generous and handsome.
-Damn that guy is the hottest guy i've seen in my life.
-he must be a paco
by hip hop king November 25, 2021
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The two rival OG's were walking toward one another and in passing by, one of them says to the other, "paco", meaning he is a "chump".
by theohen December 12, 2022
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