A light-to-moderate "assistance-push" that you give someone (or something that he's presently attempting to move) to enable him to more-easily complete some action or task that he's currently engaged in.
Two of my buddies had stopped to give me a ride in their pickup truck, and the passenger had scooched over towards the driver as far as he could; the problem was that because of the gearshift and large transmission-hump, he was unable to brace his feet against the floor in front of him to maneuver himself over sufficiently to make enough room on the seat for me; I therefore gave him a supplemental nudge with my hip to slide him over the rest of the way so that I could plop down and shut the door.
by QuacksO August 27, 2018
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When in the middle of the night you roll over to your girl (or guy) with a hard on and put it in the middle of their back hoping they are DTF at that moment.
Hey sorry about the chub nudge you last night, I was ready to go but I guess you were in a deep sleep.
by Richard Dickins August 19, 2017
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Used as an expression for avoiding or escaping a controversial scenario or a problematic situation by using someone/something else as an excuse to save your own ass.

Exemplified by the youtube clip "Douchebag Bison"

Akin to 'throwing someone under the bus' or 'passing the buck'
Reporter: Why do you think your movie was a flop this week?

Lead Actor: The script was good. But people just won't go see the film cause of the lead actress and her low level of acting skills.

TV viewer: Damn! That dude just gave her a bison nudge.

example #2: Penn State gave Joe Paterno a bison nudge.
by MR EMAN November 11, 2011
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A gentle, loving sign of affection involving a soft press of the face or body onto a loved one's chest or cheek, typically with romantic partners.
After waking up after a good night's sleep, Adrian felt his boyfriend give him a gentle love nudge.
by BronYrAurHouse February 4, 2023
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A term used to describe a small penis. Or a person that's just a bit of a twat!
Oi, fetch me my keys you little nudge stick
by pppyyyyynnnnncccchhhhherrrrrrr December 20, 2021
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After a jam, in roller derby or any kind of game, it is when an opponent hits you while you are are out of play.
Burke got grudge nudged when the play roller derby was ceased.
by Bren-dizzle July 5, 2011
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A.k.a. supplemental nudge; it refers to where you give someone's hip an assistive push with your hip to shift him over in a bench-seat when he is unable to do so under his own power, such as if he is totally exhausted, if he has a huge lapful of objects, or if the floor is not clear/flat/level enough for him to brace his feet solidly against it and slide himself over.
Trying to effectively brace one's feet and scooch over into the middle of the seat far enough to make room for a third person can be difficult in a pickup truck with a floor-mounted manual shift-lever and transmission-hump in the way, so the entering passenger may be obliged to give said middle-rider a helpful hip-nudge to slide him over the rest of the way so that the entering passenger can seat himself and shut the truck's door.
by QuacksO April 8, 2019
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