A man who goes out hunting for trouser snakes after getting mongoosed or so drunk they cant see or change sexual preferance.
I got so hammered last night, turned into a mongoose hunter and woke up with a guy named Carl.
by Erm Kahoff February 12, 2010
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When you girlfriend lives 240 miles away, you tend to wash the mongoose frequently.
by $@lly !$ c00l August 4, 2008
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taken from the expression "as a mongoose", it means an uber amount of something
dude that chick was as hot as a chinese mongoose
by nick mackey November 13, 2006
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Filthy Mongoose/verb/(FIL-THEE MON-GUS)

The "Filthy Mongoose" is when you are engaged in Anal intercaorse and you slide your middle+index finger of both hands in the Ass region as well.....
"Awe man, i was ramming that chick so hard, and then i gave her the Filthy mongoose
by The wils November 13, 2007
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opposite or contrasting point/s of view
dem liberals and conservatives be like de cobra and the mongoose brah!!! -those two are like the cobra and the mongoose!
by michael foolsley November 30, 2009
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When two people pee into your eyes, as you suck on a man's balls while he craps into your vagina.
Susan did the Canada-Mongoose with Rick, Jen, and Henry last night.
by Smeaglebopboop September 13, 2009
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Pertaining to any female who has a period seemingly every day.
Dewd, I see your sister yelling at you every day! She is a total menstrual mongoose.
by Kyo Shinda March 12, 2010
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