Malder is someone who brings the mood down by being quiet whilst angry.

Someone who is mad for no reason and feels like mf real depressed.

Malding can also spread, if the person is malding and their friends try to cheer them up but fail, they're eventually also going to start malding.

Maldee is a spredee
"Tyler, why are you malding?"
"fr bro why you so mad?"

Tyler: I'm not malding! I only mald when you tell me im malding..*continues to mald even harder*
by maldermax September 11, 2023
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the process of going mad and balding.
bro, anatomy has got me super stressed. i think i'm malding.
by surgtech2022 October 5, 2021
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The definition of Malding is simply Royal/Dylan
That person is Malding
by TailwindEagle October 10, 2020
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when a person (often in a videogame) is made fun of for raging they are malding which is a combo of mad and balding.
"HAHA you loser, KEEP MALDING"
by Miss's Phalanges August 24, 2022
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The act of being angry while simultaneously experiencing hair loss.

The word "Malding" stems from the two English words mad, and balding.
"You're malding!"
"Check out this guy! He is malding hardcore!"
"♪ Malding malding malding, keep that malding malding ♪"
by Sacculish July 3, 2021
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When someone is so mad they start balding.
Sam and Nathan are malding while playing Siege
by Derkely February 5, 2020
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