Holly has beautiful eyes, generally a girl with Hazel eyes and brown or ginger hair. Holly can be an idiot sometimes but that's part of her charm. Holly is usually a small being but 'Better things come in smaller packages'. everyone is attracted to Holly, some girls in they're style may be is well.
"Holly, Why are you so beautiful?"

"Hey Girllll!, You hott"
by hollyskittlesx August 2, 2016
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My diamond earrings are holly. My parents won't let me wear earrings that aren't Holly
by CaptDith October 11, 2013
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The most amazingest best friend in the whole wide world. Bit blonde sometimes but she's a great laugh. She can be a bit of a slag but she enjoys it. She will give you the keys to her house and trust you not to make a mess. Overall the best person in the world.
Friend: If only I had a place to escape to when I fall out with my parents...
Holly : Here, have my keys! I'm off to Spain for a month!
Friend: :O
by Richard'Dick'Mann July 19, 2011
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Holly's are bubbly people with excessive loudness, they always have smiles on their faces and can constantly be found laughing about the strangest things. Holly sometimes lives in a fantasy world, this can lead to her being in a muddle and unaware of what is taking place around her. Holly's like to be liked & love the people closest to them more than they love life itself. However, the downfall of being a Holly is that they can be quite forgetful and have "blonde moments."This co-incides with the fact that many Holly's are natural blondes or if not, bottle blondes. Holly's are hardworking, motivated and ambitious, they always have big dreams and will do whatever it takes to follow through with them. They are creative and expressive often taking to the use of different medias to show off their artistic side. Finally, Holly's are shown to be extremely romantic, confident and passionate and are willing to do whatever it takes for their loved ones.

Some may refer to as Slag/Whore/Loose/'cock on the brain', this infact can be rather incorrect as it is down to a 'holly' being nothing more than a kinky being!

Most importantly;Holly is another way to explain a 'blonde moment'
scenario- someone looses their mobile, cannot remember where they left it, moments later, find it in their fridge.
" oh my god! that was so holly of me!"
by baeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee April 6, 2015
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Another way of saying mess up or fuck up
Bro 1: "you saw what blood did?"
Bro 2: " yeah, bloods holly for that"
by hoocie December 13, 2018
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A girl who is very cute but have a tendency to suck on stuff. She speaks her mind and does not give a fuck about what others think. It also refers to a girl who gives good head aka blowjobs
by AnonymousRedFuck November 8, 2011
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Loves to fuck redbone Dominic more than Jacob she loves his bbc and his style she wants to have a baby by Dominic she is one of the sexiest females and pornstars and best ever and has pretty toes and feet and tiny little hands gripping his cock
I thought holly wanted Jacob nigga she wanted Dominic
by Rub on ya titties April 13, 2020
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