A man who got 6 million kills in a single match, and then put a bullet in his own head just to save his kd. What a pussy.
You know that Hitler guy?
Yeah! What a pussy!
by Bxrlinn November 11, 2020
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Someone who has only half the sperm count due to him only having one testicle
Did you know that Hitler lost his left testy due to testicular cancer?
by FakeRileyReidniggas February 24, 2020
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A homosexual anti-semite/racist who gleefully committed genocide and started World War II

An inspiration for most of the Muslim world

What mohawked teenagers think their parents, teachers, local police officers and all authority figures are as bad as
Hitler bunged Himmler and then gassed 100,000 Hungarian Jews in one day.

Osama is like Hitler with more facial hair

Mom, stop being a Hitler, and let me go to the Avril concert, you fucking cunt.

"Hitler was a sensitive man," Anal Cunt song
by Assex 776 October 1, 2007
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A man that has caused World War II and made all the Germans burn all the books in the city and got his own movie made about him in Indiana Jones
Nein I am Hitler and i am a poop head
by Emkuda November 25, 2018
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A german dude who lost one of his testicles on the battle field from a gun shot wound but somehow survived. He believes that a jew shot his testicle off, and shows a lot of hatred for jews now.
Hitler, you should be snoop dogg and become lord of the weed and not lord of the world.
by EpikRoland April 24, 2015
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Once upon a time there was an edgy boy named Adolf. Adolf loved art but his dad hated him. Adolf tried to get into Vienna art school but Vienna hated his art. So Adolf decided to take over a country and half the world because he was emo and hated people with big noses. Oh yeah, and he ruined the coolest moustache in the world
Hitler sucked
by 69 Is A Number August 14, 2019
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A guy in the 1930s who really fucked up Europe.
Hitler is the best.
by Flawless Hitler December 8, 2014
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