if a female: wacky crazy bitch that makes up stories so people feel sorry for them
if a male: faggot bitch that snitches all the time
cam is a two faced evil faggot that's going straight to hell
by U_Know_U_Do November 10, 2011
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Being penetrated from behind while picking your bugers
Tocker was surprised to know that grey got camed over the weekend
by richard morgan October 11, 2007
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Acting like Cam Newton when you're winning (not humble, show off) and then being a poor sportsman, sore loser when you have a big loss.
by 9191 April 8, 2016
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Originally known in slang for "crying and masturbating" mainly used for attention getting video camera whores and sluts.For definite meaning refer to mac as well.

mac spelled backwards is cam

used in slang for
"crying art of masturbation"

by accidental creation March 8, 2008
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The state of acting Cam

Playing absolutely terrible in any role in league of legends. You are playing literally worse than a gorilla smacking his schlong all over the keyboard.

Aw dude i'm camming so hard right now, i can't play support
Dude you are terrible at league, you are always camming in every game i play with you
by iH4teCamer0n June 30, 2014
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camel ciggarettes preferably turkish blends
hey man did you pick up some cams at park hills for me?
by Lawson_opp March 6, 2006
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cam can mean crying and masturbateing but a more common term for cam is one of racial indescression it may cause offense
it is
cheap ass mexican
cheap ass mormon
cam he is a cam

ohh and no offence to anyone
by c.a.m June 10, 2005
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