the most amazing person you will ever meet. the kindest, sweetest, perfect guy alive. best boyfriend a girl could ask for <5 caring and loving, he'll help you through everything. stands for what he believes and will never let anyone down. knows how to treat a girl right.
-brandon is the best boyfriend ever <5
-that brandon sure is amazing.
by kordon October 16, 2010
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This man is the love of my life, he's crazy and weird, but funny , sweet, and kind. Everyone should be jelly that I haz him.
by undiscovered1996 July 13, 2012
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A man who has balls the size wrecking cranes.
Someone with out fear
Boy1:yo did you see what mike just did?
Boy2:yeah he's a real Brandon to do something like that.
by night_troller August 21, 2011
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Most likely the most awesome person on the face of the planet, mainly because of the monsterous size of his erections with out the help of medication or other stimulants.
" Man, I wish my doctor could give me a Brandon penis... it would be other worldly!"
by Brandocommando March 5, 2009
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An asian bitch with a Fine Ass. I mean a real set of cheeks. Like two gelatinized bowling balls packed in leather pants. A real coin slot. Just stick a dime in there and ride it all night long. I mean an ass sculpted from smooth marble by Michelangelo himself. Perked and ripe for the picking. An ass that the greek gods would pay tribute to. Plump and gushing like two stout pumpkins ready for harvest. A real feast. A buffet of baked goods, steaming with purity. Two mouth watering, prize winning peaches crammed in skinny jeans. Practically begging for a nose to be nestled betwixt the pair of firm, smooth baby heads; glistening with the glow of rectitude and elegance.
You can tell he's a Brandon because of the two basket balls in his pants; practically bursting at the seams with grace!
by Harambe69420 April 16, 2020
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when someone looks scrumptious or sexy refer to them as brandon.
you’re looking very brandon today

oh my god my crush is looking very brandon today 😍
by fatherisme February 27, 2022
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