Big Red Ball. used for little children who chat on the interweb to go outside and play jellyball with their other friends.
my friends are here,brb.
by teh reaper September 12, 2005
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Brb (bathroom break) Often used when person has to shit when instant messaging
Brb ive gotta use the crapper
ok dawg hurry that shiznit up
by Yourdaddy March 22, 2005
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code to play with ones self
i put a sign on my door when i am brbing
by Trixy. December 4, 2006
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stand for Bus Ride Boner.

you know, the ones you would get riding the bus to school because of all the vibrations?
Dude, i had the biggest brb today in front on Emily
by gunslinger19 September 15, 2008
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1:Hey are you coming online later
2:yeah, brb
by Ali.xoxo September 18, 2015
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