5 definitions by Ali.xoxo

usually used on video games and such online social games
1: Haha look at that noob she only has 3 xp

2:ha ha yeah
by Ali.xoxo September 18, 2015
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It is just another way of saying okay so it is not anything fancy
May:wanna go get some ice-cream Lola
by Ali.xoxo September 18, 2015
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1:Hey are you coming online later
2:yeah, brb
by Ali.xoxo September 18, 2015
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XD is meant as a face!!!like you are happy or amused
1: So what is your favorite food?
by Ali.xoxo September 18, 2015
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1:wow she has 784 XP

2:yeah pure respect man
by Ali.xoxo September 18, 2015
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