You may reconized one by his gold suit, bulding muscleses and by his golden/flying/lambo car.
The Level 35 boss always beats the level 1 crook and takes the poor bastard's girl with him.
by memelordofdays January 6, 2019
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The assignment/task/job is so ridiculous that it's equivalent to a "35 page thesis" which is ridiculous to do. This leads you to want to bullshit the assignment.

So when an assignment is really redundant or too difficult, it is "35 page thesis" material .
I'm willing to pull a 35 page thesis out of my ass just to pass this class.

This English assignment is 35 page thesis material. I'm not going to try.
by xXKylaAnimeXx March 14, 2019
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Rule 35 is the only rule that matters. Don't ever neglect rule 35 or no positive notions will derive. During your life you will come across the rule but will be unsure about its content. The rule is to stop trying so hard. The harder you try the more you will fail. Failure is ok just don't try to fail. Let the failure consume you in its realm. Let the realm symbolize hope but just a little hope. As if the realm was the top of the ocean and you are at the bottom swimming slowly waiting for air to invite itself into your lungs. Rule 35 is so important not to try. That by reading this you just tried. That is the rule it is self explanatory don't try too hard or you won't get what you want. "Rule 35 saved my life". (Chuck Norris)
Wow with rule 35 I lost 20 pounds and saved 5$ at Walmart buying frosted flakes. Thanks rule 35.
by insightfultyper January 21, 2015
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When taking a shot in basketball, face the hoop. Then, turn your feet 35 degrees to the left. Then take a regular jump shot in this stance. This is a short to mid range shot.
35 degree shot shall be near the basket, but not near enough for a jump shot.
by Mr.Skullz March 4, 2012
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Its 1:30, you're at school in a classroom. You wait by the exit for 5 minutes and when the bell rings you take out a pistol and shoot five of the Chad and Stacy normies in the classroom, saving one for yourself all before anyone leaves their seat.
Bruh you don't have to leave, i'm gonna high 1:35 it. You know, just like McCree
by Mattnel September 20, 2017
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A house in Cambridge UK believed to be haunted by a ghost that steals people credit cards and forces them into a life of prostitution.
Those thieving bastards at no.35 will get what's comin' to 'em
by Miles Pieri January 23, 2004
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Internet rule to describe a sexual attraction between a man and a man without the sentiment of homosexuality.
"Bill is so hot, i love his hair and his small frame and his voice and all the make-up!" says Sharon
"I can't tell if thats a man or a woman, but hell 'rule 35!I'd do him." responded Chuck
by Randomlingo April 15, 2008
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