
A backwards name for Emo. Meaning that they don't really cut themselves but they act and dress like they do.
Wow, Jeniifer is really ome.
by Punkgi September 7, 2007
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The shortened form of "old man in speedos"

used at public pools or beaches
usually combined with an involuntary shudder.
"OMS alert! run awaaaaaaay!"
by shannanigans September 25, 2005
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A devout atheist's alternative to OMG !

To express : anger, joy, surprise, disbelief, ect .
So she screwed your best friend on your birthday?

Yeah dude.

by Butterscotchstallion February 20, 2009
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Oh my satan. Meant for people who are on the highway to hell and are tired of "omg" and "oml"
Omg did you see the new iPhone that Apple released?
More like Oms, the prices will drive me to hell.
by Fox :D December 26, 2017
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1. The art of Om Nom Nom.

2. Nomming's sister, Omming.
"Om nom nom"

"That bird is totally omming on that caterpillar."

"Look at the fat boy omm his BLT!"
by Luvs23@t May 18, 2010
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The complete opposite of an Emo.
-Wears baggy white clothing (instead of skin-tight black clothing)
-Wears frameless round glasses (instead of the thick-rimmed rectangular glasses)
-Has a mullet
-Listens to happy music
-Is always smiling
-Laughs a lot instead of crying a lot
-Does not wear ANY make-up
Jay: "That guy is always walking around smiling, even though everyone makes fun of his mullet. What's up with that maaan?"
Ray: "It's because he's an Ome; the complete opposite of an Emo."
Jay: "Awrite! That's cool in my book, yo."
by Sturj December 24, 2007
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