The practice of falsehoods or lies to gain notoriety or claim expertise on a subject matter
The news anchor on CBS is practicing bullshit artistry because the president cannot do that without the support of congress.
by jondich January 8, 2021
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The practice of falsehood and lies to gain notoriety or claim expertise on a topic or subject
Another example of Bullshit Artistry. A person claiming to be a science expert without credentials
by jondich January 8, 2021
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A bullshit button is a button with a bunch of phrases (ex: now that isn't even bullshit thats horseshit)
A bullshit button is used when someone says something that is bullshit
by ASS MONKE October 1, 2022
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During the run-up to an election, all manner of extravagant promises are made, and after the election nothing is done.
The ruling party won with a bullshit vote because nothing has improved since they've held power
by Ruerzi May 13, 2011
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New rules for 9 ball.

New additional rules for 9 ball..

* winning with ball in hand.

-* making a high quality shot you made 50%

** making 9 ball with que ball not on intention

-** making a higher quality shot you made 15%

*** making 9 ball with double kiss

-*** making a 2 ball combination on the 9 ball

****making 9 ball with 2 ball hit not on intention

-**** making a 3 ball combination on the 9 ball

***** making 9 ball with 3 ball hit not on intention

-***** making a 4 ball combination on the 9 ball.
This is my bullshit 9 ball game rules. Have fun with them.
by Kuehlstein February 22, 2018
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It’s not regular bullshit like when your food is delivered an hour late or your package you ordered shows up a week later. Perfect bullshit goes something like when you are putting on your socks standing up, lose your balance and end up hobbling close to the unflushed toilet accidentally placing your foot in shit water after getting on your second sock on while having your car key fall out of your pocket and directly into the floor vent out of reach and out of sight.
“I failed my final college exam today due to extreme ADD because a junkie stole my adderall last week and the doctor refused to refill my prescription until the refill date, this week was perfect bullshit!”
by Nemo Of The Void September 16, 2020
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