Tommy is a really loud and mostly swearing child.And has big brothers called Wilbur and Technoblade.
wilbur: he is just so tommy.
by quackitystanlmao June 19, 2021
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Tommy is a nice, sweet loving and caring boy. he will look out for you and love you for all the time you have together. He can be shy at times and not know how to act around others, but if hes with someone he truly trusts, he shows who he really is. Hes everything positive a person can be. Good looking, loyal, kind, caring, loving. If u ever get him, dont loose him. Ever.
*looks behind themself*
by suckyourrmarjjj November 3, 2021
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He is always a kid, but not in a good way. His head just seems a little big for his stick of a body. He is great with technology, sadly he eats nothing so he can't even do that. Could tommy, if he took care of his health, slay pussy? after a long consideration of this, probably not.
"Saw a total boner today of a kid, looked kind of like a tommy"
by M1chaelP1o December 14, 2017
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A boy who stands out and can melt your heart just by saying “I love you” but when he likes another girl he doesn’t let you dow easy. So be careful he might be funny cute and nice but he will change for clout
I love tommy and Tommy Loved me”
by Lilly shall November 20, 2019
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Rish ass nigga that likes to cheat on his girlfriend and likes to slash tires. He is also one of the biggest pussies you’ll ever meet.
by MasonIsARetard December 13, 2019
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these people are retards and have gay hair and not balls, the look like a dying rate and they always get there brother on you.
tommy you retard
ill get my brother on you
by monkey nigga face fucker March 6, 2023
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