A hair color that looks like the shades of fire🔥. It is an unofficial subset of strawberry blonde, and one of the rarest hair colors.
My girlfriend dyed her hair fiery blonde, so people would discern her fire personality.
by UraniumCM February 28, 2022
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Honestly the worst kind of bitch to ever exist. They are disgusting, overly narcissistic, ignorant, selfish pieces of trash who think it’s a flex to have a body count over 20 at the raw age of 17 and those are considered “rookie numbers” they often have an attitude towards everyone who isn’t their dedicated fuckboys or female “besties” and think walking around wearing light Grey and off-white Jordan 1s while slugging around an extra large iced coffee is there way of showing off to their “opposers” who are really just their ex boyfriends from elementary school who still stalk her instagram page daily just to continuously call her a bitch and other obscenities in front of his laptop screen like she can hear him somehow. These girls are usually ugly asf or mid and think they are the hottest creature in gods creation. They are walking stds. They are walking burst condoms. They are the absolute scum of the female race.
I would date anyone right now, but never one of those basic blonde hoes

I would agree, most men would have to agree maybe not boys but true men only.
by The New York hillbilly February 3, 2023
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A hair colour which could be described as a being somewhere between blonde and pale green, creating a disgusting weed colour. People who are weed blonde are often very untrustworthy or suspicious, and do not remember their own talents. Huh.
Ew, look at that guys hair, it's, like, weed blonde. I bet he's a jerk.
by Fennec Burger December 25, 2016
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Briefcase Blonde:
A term usually used by Black men to describe a professional blonde that is now his submissive or slave, and is devoted to him.
"I've got me my Briefcase Blonde, and for her, there is no goin' back now that she's had Black."
by Regulas Prime October 5, 2020
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A blonde mop (or BM) is usually a male under the age of 16 who is long blonde hair. They can be mistaken for a girl and if the hair is bushy the blonde mop become a bushy blonde mop.
by Wnciakgjwigje August 23, 2019
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Blond fused describes the confusion of a blond, natural or otherwise .
Sorry I missed your party, I was blond fused about the date.
by Irish eyes May 22, 2014
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