Much like a "Camel Toe" except specific to an older woman.
Hey Kim, check out that old lady's elephant toe.
by AngelaKMS April 30, 2022
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The act of overturning an elephant on his back and pinning him to the ground as you take his cock up your ass.
Cobalt: Do you have any proof of your strength?
Livid: Here's a tape of me elephant wrestling.
Cobalt: (watches the tape)
Okay, you're hired!
by Blues and Dumbness May 11, 2019
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When you hit a joint , blunt or anything to smoke weed out of while you’re couching you ghost the hit and stand up really fast and a whole headchange happens
by Stonedtotgebone December 2, 2018
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hey do you know what a pick me elephant is?

oh, it's Joshua Zeppeli
by elana gillbert September 14, 2021
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When you’re giving head to a big dick and he can’t get hard
Girl 1: Oh my god I was giving to head this guys the other day, and you wouldn’t guess what happened!
Girl 2: what happened?!
Girl 1: he had a soggy elephant!!!
by October 29, 2020
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When someone won't stop following you.

When someone doesn't do their job.

When someone is slow at something.
by Grifgrif9262 March 15, 2021
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