olivia is a fucking poserrrrrrrrrrrr
by googleplusisgey May 31, 2015
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a person who tends to act like someone that their really not
daniel dickenson (a city kid) tries to act like a redneck so hes a poser.
by iamredneck November 20, 2011
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Someone who wears a hair metal band shirt to a thrash show and tries to fit in and get away with it.
Thrasher 1- “Hey look at that poser over there wearing a Motley Cruë shirt!”
Thrasher 2- “Let’s beat him up!”
Thrasher 3- “MAKE HIM HURT!”
by MrSquister June 6, 2022
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Those who must be abolished and killed.
Example 1
"Hey bro did you see that guy mall grabbing over by the stair set earlier?
"Yeah. He's such a poser."
Example 2
"I saw a guy wearing a Motley Crue shirt at an Exodus show, so I beat him up and stole his condoms."
"Fuck yeah! Posers must die!"
by MrSquister April 13, 2023
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Hurriedly and randomly collecting scattered pieces of shit
and sloppily throwing them onto a disorganized pile.

And, thinking you are the best thing humanity has ever laid eyes or ears on
rendering yourself as just a poser.
Golly Bill,,, Mr. Ware sure did put a nice collection of abstract
musical instrument noises together,,, NOT he's just a poser.
by Handy Dick Vandy August 26, 2022
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