Outdo, humourously became the term for a bad batch of marijuanna.
Because the term 'Indo' is used to describe a certain type of marijuanna from the Indian Hemp plant, which generally is great marijuanna, people say that outdo is the opposite of indo.
Because the term 'Indo' is used to describe a certain type of marijuanna from the Indian Hemp plant, which generally is great marijuanna, people say that outdo is the opposite of indo.
"I thought you said this was Indo... It smells like Outdo." Craig - Friday
"Man I didn't have enough money so I had to buy some outdo"
"Man I didn't have enough money so I had to buy some outdo"
by Peter Cardakaris October 9, 2007
Taken from the slang "indo", (which is hydroponically grown marijuana) outdo is simply marijuana grown outdoors in fresh air.
by Dank Masta Flex October 15, 2007