Self appointed individuals who singlehandedly feel they can uphold the rules of life, and never miss an opportunity to inform others what they are doing wrong. Accusations made by the Life Police can highlight de facto, de jure, fashion, etiquette, diet, registration of cars, paying of taxes, morals, and general rule-following faults of their prey. These claims are usually pointlessly brought about at the most inconvenient time, often leaving the accused with only further hatred for the accuser.

Note: Not to be confused with Nazis, the fashion police, and bitches, as the Life Police have no known ideology or reasoning - only idiocy.
*after riding your bike very fast down a steep hill, you reach the bottom only to find a member of the life police*
"You shouldn't ride your bike that fast! I ride a bike everyday and it's not safe, plus you need a helmet!"

*cutting tomatoes for a dinner with your girlfriend and your roommate walks in*
"You're cutting up those tomatoes wrong you dipshit, you're supposed to cut them LATERALLY."

*your mother-in-law comes over for dinner and sees your truck parked in the driveway with expired tabs*
"I hope you're not driving that truck, that's illegal. You could get into a lot of trouble if you don't register that."

*telling your buddies about the 3 month old pair of jeans you returned*
"dude, that's fucked up. i had people come into my job and do that, it's immoral."

*taking a trip to Nevada*
"It's pronounced Nevada, not Nevada."
by Keelahsai August 6, 2009
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Something happens that cannot be fixed and changes your life for ever. Basicly your screwed/fucked for the rest of your life.
Example 1:

- man i just found out my dad is the pedo bear
- dude, your fucked for life.

Example 2:

- Zomfggg i just spent all my money on wow
- dude u just lost your life and your only friend... your F4L (fucked for life)
by fear--pro-2 # <"33 November 2, 2010
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Life's a glitch is an alternative to Life's a beach and Life's a glitch sounds closer to Life's a bitch than Life's a beach does.
Steve: *Drinking from Life's a Beach mug.

Steve: Life's a Beach!

Stan: Boring!

Tyler: *Drinks from Life's a glitch mug.

Tyler: Life's a glitch!

Stan: *laughs.

Stan: hahaha haha! Now that's funny!
by CynderFanclub February 12, 2023
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1.(v) hitting an opponent with the gold burst mechanic in famous 2D fighting game series Guilty gear, usually using an overly specific method.

2.(n) The inventor of the life jam technique
1. KV - "How dare you life jam me"

Sajam - "I had to, had to be done"
2. Sajam - "I hate you life jam you know that, absolute fucking sicko"
by Death curry December 3, 2021
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A west African phrase meaning "enjoy life and celebrate it to the fullest"
My friend Chop Life before you study, you only live once
by dizguy July 10, 2022
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The absolute gayest thing on the earth. If you have this app delete it now because your parents are in fact tracking you then they catch you vaping smoking weed smashing etc
Dang dude my mommy just put the gay ass life 360 on my phone. Man thats so life 360 dude.
by 1234567890mild lover October 2, 2018
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when you eat or snort adderall for recreational use.
We had a long week of work, so inorder to stay up to gamble in Atlantic City we had to switch to life in hd....
by FRAKNESS November 4, 2009
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