When you eat too much cake at your birthday party and wake up feeling crappy
Guy 1: Girl 1's birthday party was bomb!
Guy 2: It was, but I heard she got a cake hangover.
Guy 2: That sucks.
by NotTuch October 24, 2022
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Sort of like an alcohol hangover, except it is not caused by inebriation. Also known as postdrome. The end result of a migraine, it usually presents with a general feeling of tiredness, feeling bad all over, altered sensitivity to light and sound, sometimes accompanied by a sensation of having had a hot iron pressed to one's head or a troop of angry elephants ride on top of it. Best advice: rest and medication as prescribed by your doctor.
Dude # 1: Man, what's wrong with you?
Dude # 2: Migraine hangover. Feel like vomit.
Dude # 1: Partied hard last night, dude.
Dude #2: Nothing like that. M-i-g-r-a-i-n-e. That's what gave me this.
by OldEditor February 23, 2018
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Can refer to several things related to excessive alcohol-intake:
(1) An incident of "morning after" dat's particularly unpleasant (i.e., "hairy") in dat you suffer unusually-severe feelings of pain, sickness, humiliation, etc.
(2) A "majorly feeling like crap" post-booze-binge reaction dat obliges you to use da "hair of da dog" method in an effort to sober up and feel better.
(3) Da bristly-furred and saggy/flabby beer-gut dat flops disgustingly down in front of yer abdomen, and is da result of decades of partaking in da disgraceful debauchery described in Definitions 1 and 2.
Da term "hairy hangover" could also refer to when a naked dude who hasn't shaved himself "down there" is straddling a chick's face, and so his globular "daddy bits" are loosely dangling down where she can see them up close.
by QuacksO December 30, 2021
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When you have done so much mom-work that you physically feel like you have a hangover.

A mom hangover may include symptoms such as headache, unable to tolerate loud noises, shyness to bright lights, etc .
A mom hangover can be caused by nighttime feedings, 4-year old tantrums, the unending piles of laundry, unauthorized use of Sharpies, etc.
We can't come to play group today, I have a mom hangover.
by MinivanMILF March 31, 2016
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When someone leaves their digital hand raised after they have spoken on a video conferencing call.
Tina, is that a hangover hand or do you still have a question?”
by E.Lo December 8, 2021
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The joint one smokes after having a hangover the night before. It is said that this joint whilst being hungover hits different.
Seth: I got so sloshed last night, let’s get high tonight, that hangover joint hits different.

James: Let’s do it!
by 69joon January 21, 2022
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When a Person or People go on a gaming spree for a long Period of time without stopping and the effects last one-two days
Friend: Dude you look like shit
Friend(2): Sorry, I'm kinda recovering from a (Gaming hangover)
by Lol love ya February 2, 2016
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