a teacher thats slay and has lim as her last name
teacher lim is sometimes mean but shes kind too
Sonia: omg Teacher Lim gave us so much homework today im gonna DIE
Qinxuan: Atleast she didn't give any history himework ..
by iamsbb March 2, 2023
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A person who gets so much "mara" in buet that, the teachers are afraid of him because he can cause REAL trouble.
Beaware, Mr. White. He is a teacher fighter.
by theNB August 3, 2018
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Leaving class early and when stopped by the professor you proceed to place your testicles on the professors forhead while farting into their mouth. (Preferably done to a female professor)
Bobby tried to leave class early, when stopped by his professor he turned around and started grilling the teacher.
by Bobby Greencoat January 18, 2017
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A person with such a foul mouth or persona that he/she could teach a bunch of sailors a thing or two.
"John is such a sailor teacher! Did you hear that dead baby joke he just told?"

"Lindsey may have been around a few times, but she's no sailor teacher"
by bizzle.jb May 8, 2007
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It's a teacher or someone that hits u with school materials like rulers and other bull shit
Don't hit me with the ruler that's teacher abuse
by Lilrabbit._ June 5, 2018
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