The Sophie that I know is really cool, pretty, beautiful and a load of other synonyms for those words. She can really cheer you up on a sad day and is just generally fun to talk to. Don’t get on her bad side though cos she won’t be afraid to absolutely shatter your skull in. If you manage to date her though, consider yourself lucky, cos she’s a really good lover and can make you feel all warm and tingly inside (especially on Discord dms).
by Ghostwaffles June 4, 2022
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Sophie is a very loving person. she is so nice and just so cute <3. she's the best
I love sophie alot

same shes so nice sweet and the best.
by eh9wihfrfhufuufh April 8, 2023
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Sophie is a very quiet girl at first sight. Once you get to know her she is a big energy ball. Most Sophies are usually brunette, and have bright eyes like an ocean. Most Sophies joke around saying mean stuff, although they don't really mean it. They are most likely an Otaku as well. They are very talented in most things, drawing, animating, and editing. She is also very creative and sometimes quirky. Sophie's are also very funny. If you ever meet an Sophie make sure to be their best friend.
Person A: Woah have you seen Sophies skill!? They're amazing.!

Person But: Yeah I heard they outrun the boys in our class!
by shopie^_^ June 3, 2021
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One of the BEST person you’ll meet. She is always there for you. If you have a girlfriend named Sophie, she will probably be your sole mate. She’s kind,pretty, funny,amazing, brave,smart, and many more.
“Who is that perfect girl over there??”
“Oh! It’s Sophie, one of the best person you’ll ever meet!”
by It’sliterlyjustme!! November 8, 2019
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Obsessed over one guy, and often dances.Has the weirdest rude finger
Guy 1: Mate wtf is up with her finger
Guy 2: She's also obsessed with Ivan,must be a Sophie
by bolton14 May 28, 2019
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Sophie’s seem like a baddie, but once you know them they’re a big softie. They can sometimes be a absolute bitch, but they’re really great friends and hilarious.
Person 1: Omgosh is that Sophie? She’s so scary and rude.

Person 2: Actually that’s my best friend and she’s really just a big softie. It’s a act

Person 1: Oh 👁👄👁
by September 28, 2020
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An all round amazing girl who doubts herself way too much. Sophie’s normally have amazing eyes and a fun and bubbly personality. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend.
Boy: That girl over there is so nice

Girl: Yes , she is definitely a Sophie
by JammieDodger27 August 13, 2019
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