someone who sleeps around with everyone's boyfriend, just because she can't get her own
by annabeth norton January 12, 2008
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One who is a or is in relations with a prostitute or prostitutes
" I met a whore and she was willing to do things for money"
by cheerleadr January 24, 2007
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A man or a woman who has three different kids by three diffrent Men or a women...and she or he isn't married to any of them. slut
Jerry Wilson is such a whore.
Julie Smith is such a whore.
by RedneckHunny92 March 21, 2006
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1. Noun
- a slut
- someone well-known
- a feen

2. Verb
- a myspace term for getting more friends, or getting people to add you.
1. That whore fucked my boyfriend!
2. You everyone in the city you whore.
3. Did you eat all the cookies? Cookie whore...
4. Whore me to your 217897 friends.
by xxxxxxxxxxxxxbecca November 23, 2005
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liking every single living individual everyday
Leslie: i am not really a whore
Everyone: ok, he has a girlfriend, and you hooked up with him, that makes you a whore
by ali baba apu mohandas March 23, 2008
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Whore can be used as greeting, by either gender. Synonymn: Bitch
1. Wassup Whore
2. Hey Whore, dont forget to pick me up for the club tonite
by Deik July 27, 2006
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a stupid sleeze-bag that has no values or real reasons to be with anyone besides sucking on their dick and having sex 24/7. Likes to act all "i'm no whore", but puts on that lie so they do not loose all of their friends and respect. Likes to pretend the THINK they no what feelings are and deserve every bit of pain that comes their way. pathetic.
_____ is a big whore!

Q: What do you think's bigger the Grand Canyon or her pussy?
A: Her pussy
by 98675423 April 28, 2010
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