Highly Erotic High Speed Female masturbation while her B/F watches and strokes the Bishop in anticipation of a wet ride.
Guy: Hey C, why dont cha play the two finger taco tango for me while I let your sister lick my hairy starfish.

Girl: Sure E
by Pappagato March 2, 2007
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quite simply, fingering a bitch. A long practiced time honored tradition.
Jonny: "Hey Cody, why do you keep smelling your fingers?"

Cody: "Well, I just gave my ole lady Amber the ole two finger jones.

Jonny: Oh....can I smell?
by dabizz December 4, 2007
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The at home cat massage technique that will have your cat saying ME-OHHH YEAH!
Uneducated Person: "What are you doing to your cat?"

Educated Person: "Two finger pussy dancing! The two finger pussy dance is the only way to MAKE YOUR OLD PUSSY PURR LIKE A KITTEN AGAIN!"
by izakt July 13, 2011
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The act of inserting two fingers into a female orifice to aid in inserting your penis, much like the way a shoe horn is used to put your foot into a shoe.
When I have whiskey dick I use the two finger shoe horn to get my cock into my woman.
by Grimm D January 11, 2009
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When after sex and a man creampies a lady; she then scoops out the man batter and licks it off her two fingers
After love making with her man; Samantha sits down to a nice two finger cheese platter.
by Dallask8675309 July 16, 2017
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a very condescending, swift back-handed strick to the temple using one's middle and index fingers. this strike is only to be used in retaliation to isolence or in response to some loser trying to act clever. additionally it should never be used as a threat, like pulling back your fist to threaten a punch... it must be quick, methodical, unexpected, and impulsive.
Chris was being a douche so i gave him a two finger surprise.

...that sounds dirty...
by Ümbra May 27, 2004
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The placement of index and middle finger into another persons anal cave, and moving them in a back and forth "saw" motion.
Dude if you don't cut the attitude I will have to break out the two-fingered butt saw and give you an adjustment.
by Lt. One-Eye September 30, 2006
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