When respectable investigative news outlets drop their heaviest Trump-Russia collusion stories (typically between 5 and 7p.)
Can't wait for the Treason Tuesday 5p bombshell from WaPo or NY Times! *eats popcorn*
by BartholomewJesus May 30, 2017
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The Tuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. After battling hordes of other middle aged mothers in stores or ignoring their friends and loved ones in lieu of staring at ads on a computer screen for hours on end, people wake up the next day and realize that the season is supposed to be about love and charity. So they scrape together what few pennies they have left over from the previous day's spending and donate it to cancer research.
Despite occurring less than a week after Thanksgiving, people need another holiday to remind them not to be such selfish assholes. Thus, Giving Tuesday was born.
by 0neWay December 2, 2015
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When you write a senryu for a friend and give it to them on Tuesday.
A gift for you on Senryu Tuesday:

The Poetic Soul
Professor Nefarious
Takes Your Breath Away
by Mr. Bowen November 25, 2008
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A day where people can share their love for Tomboys
Person 1. Oh Shit it's Tomboy Tuesday already

by KeyboardCulture November 17, 2020
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If there is something you want to do, but don't know when you can say you will do it "next Tuesday"
Paula, "Lets go visit Brandon in New Jersey!"
Andrew, "OK, lets go next Tuesday."
by ItalianDragn February 4, 2010
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As decreed by Hershel Greene of The Walking Dead, Spaghetti Tuesdays celebrate the day of spaghetti dinner traditionally held every Wednesday.
Honestly, I'm so excited for Spaghetti Tuesday. It's my favorite day of the week!
by Brady Grimes December 13, 2013
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Titty Tuesday occurs every tuesday. During the 24 hour time period, women are allowed to show their boobs without being criticized. The weekly holiday has its roots in Twitter, is now celebrated in all forms of social media, & even via text message.
Good Morning! Happy Titty Tuesday.

*The woman would then reply with a photo of her boobs (if she likes you)*
by Mr.Best September 3, 2019
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