When you attempt to let out a large toot, but instead are left running to the bathroom with a little more down there than you wished for. Can damage underwear beyond normal repair.
Aitanna just let out a tooter butter! Oh goodness she's going to need to shop for new underwear soon, she's running out!
by JRdanbury December 14, 2015
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In the middle of making tender love to a diabetic girl, your blood sugar levels start to spike. She, in a fit of passion, injects her insulin shot into your dick. You scream but realize that it feels good, so you ask for more. You're swollen with insulin, which reincorporates into your bloodstream and causes a coma. While in the coma the diabetic girl tap dances on your chest, which expels all the extra gas in your colon, the "tooter". After long enough the last meal you ate will be expelled as feces - all natural - and she collects in a pair of red cowboy boots, which she places on your feet. Then you wake up from the coma and realize the diabetic girl was your sister. You scream and shot but she just seems pleased with herself, and after you take off the red cowboy boots in disgust, she licks your feet clean. It feels good, but you're confused.
"Hey Dave! How'd it go with the girl from the bar last night?"

"Not so good, Brian. She Tuscaloosa Tooter Booted me."

"Damn, we both must have been drunk. That was Shelly?"

"'Fraid so."
by Dave TTB August 6, 2013
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Having the feeling of an immenent defacation, rushing to the toilet, and only releasing massive amounts of bowel gasses
I thought the toilet would look like a colostomy bag poored into it, but I only had an active tooter drill.
by Cablub February 5, 2022
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Person 1: hey faggot

Person 2: fuck off

Person 1: you wanna go

Person 2: how about you suck my tooter

Person 1 then starts to cry and run off and you don't get twatted
by TheCrunchyCracker February 6, 2018
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A green character from the Snorks cartoon. He can't only talks something in "toots", which helps him communicate with a vast array of sea life.
"Did you see me?" - A paper that Tooter Shellby wrote
by Ryan900USAYT September 24, 2022
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The female fart that, while sitting, begins at the poop shoot and travels along the yellow brick road in bubble-like form to the front butt and makes the perpetrator go "weew" as the bubble squeaks out with a clap.
Girl: Hey Sam...guess what I just did

Boy: Hey Beth I hope its not a pooter tooter ...cause thatd be gross.

Girl: Yeah...that is it.
by The beaver leaver June 1, 2011
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A person who sniffs drugs.
A person who "plays with there nose"
She sniffles alot, she must be a tooter-tot.
Look at that tooter-tot
by Keikush September 3, 2019
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