setting the expectations very high for a meal
I’m gonna be throwing it down in the kitchen, if you wanna come over for some food
by your.local.olive October 22, 2023
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To take a giant shit; the degree of shit depends on how hard you throw it.
Rick: "Excuse me while I go throw one down!"
Randall: "Is it going to be a mighty one?"
Rick: "Like you wouldn't believe!"
by Randalll September 19, 2006
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The phrase used to Ask a person to introduce you to a thier friend in order to break the ice, hence making the encounter less awkward.
Say bro I ain't know you knew her, you should throw me down!
by Peter Piffin July 14, 2015
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using an innocent friend as a scapegoat for something you did that was stupid.
friend 1: i called up that cute guy last night, then was to nervous to talk to him, so i said it was Susie and hung up.

friend 2: throw Timmy down the well then did you? that's messed up!!
by Lassie saves timmy September 11, 2010
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